Women activists in Kenya have taken the fight for political reform to a new arena — the nation’s bedrooms.
How so? They’ve gone on a week-long sex strike and they’ve asked sex workers to join in.
And what are they protesting against? The growing infighting between the coalition government’s partners.
But surely seven days of abstinence isn’t so great a hardship? Not for the Kenyan male apparently. Even two days without sex is high punishment.
Wow! Guess they are marathoners and not just on the sports field! The wives of the bickering PM and president have been exhorted to pop the question about the state of the nation at the delicate moment when their husbands’ pants are down and, err, ears are up. One of the first ladies is quite gung-ho about this; she says the move will create awareness about the country’s fragile political state.
Do you think there’s a lesson in this for our squabbling netas? Unite, or else…! Given their venerable age, the reverse might work better.
Unite, or else? Gird up for action seven days in a row!
(Overheard by Vandana Agarwal)
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